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Three Ways A Summer Program Can Help Your Child

How a Summer Program Can Help Your Child
Building blocks to Adulthood
Unlike the perceptible advantages that children gain from a summer program, the intangible advantages are harder to pin down. In conjunction with home and school, and maybe even a summer job, summer programs are one of the many building blocks that create an adult. And while few children realize how much they've been influenced by their summer experiences, as adults they often see how their lives were enriched and layers were added to their development.
Trying new things
Trying out new things is another significant intangible benefit of a summer youth program. At home and in school, children can dodge new experiences. At well-run camps, they can't. Of course, the primary goal of any well-run program is fun.
Independence from parents also exerts a strong influence. The child who is away from home encounters new experiences independently. With the safety net of insightful counselors and staff, children can risk finding out what works and what doesn't in interpersonal relationships, while discovering new facets of themselves.
